It is painted in any color and applied with fog, gold or silver leaf. It is used by sewing a hook and loop band on the inside and a hook and loop band on tulle.. tulle sewing 80+80 cm two pieces

The price is 500 TL with sewn velcro.

king crown model mdf 30 or 55 cm width

35 cm carved leaf crown model 35 cm wide. 18 cm depth height: 12 cm

50/60 cm engraved leaf 50/60 cm width 25/35 cm depth 13 cm height

special lux. 115 cm carved leaf . 95/115cm wide 60cm deep 35cm high

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Carved /Modern Wall mosquito net hanging crowns

Güven Baby and Young Room Furniture We are waiting for you to see our handmade 100% raw MDF and hornbeam, acrylic lacquer painting, healthy designs in our Ankara -Siteler store.

Gsm:+90506 583 31 21         Shopping centre :(+90312) 349 05 87

Note: at least 10% net discounts were made on each product. for a short time.

Possibility of installments on credit cards.